Organized by

The Berkeley Alembic Foundation

The Berkeley Alembic Foundation aims to facilitate, teach, and cultivate awakening and liberation for everyone and function as a force for peace, kindness, and good in the world. We envision a world where every human being has a community for practice, education, and connection.

Event in

San Francisco

Zen Koans: Life Beyond Your Thoughts with Rebecca Ryuen Long Okura Sensei


Hello beautiful soul. To sign up, RSVP below.

Hello beautiful soul. To sign up, RSVP below.

About Event

Zen Koans: Life Beyond Your Thoughts with Rebecca Ryuen Long Okura Sensei

An introduction on how to work with koans in meditation, turning life’s challenges into tools for deeper insight.

We will begin by discussing what koans are, how they have been used for hundreds of years, how to sit with koans, common traps in koan practice, and how to use our meditation practice to access our deep connection with the unknown. In that space, we find that the koan resolves itself.

Then we delve into the real exploration - examining our everyday lives to uncover our stuck places and using those as our own personal koans. This workshop is designed to open our eyes to the rich history and current usefulness of the beautiful koan tradition. No experience with Zen or koans necessary.

Sensei has been studying Zen for 20 years first with Dennis Genpo Merzel Roshi and then with his successor Daniel Doen Silberberg Roshi, the founder of Lost Coin Zen. Sensei received transmission in that lineage in 2020 and became a Zen teacher.  

Sensei teaches weekly within the Lost Coin Zen Sangha and privately coaches Zen students and non-Zen-student clients providing Zen-based life coaching.  In her other manifestations she is a mother, a lawyer, a business owner, a scholar, a reader, and a fencer.

Sensei is a founding member of Old Truths Library and Reading Room, a nonprofit in Salt Lake City, where any seeker can come to study in silence and to access books collected for the sole purpose of supporting a rich spiritual life. You can learn more about her here: