Organized by

Katherine Shakti

Check outLight in Balance Globalfor more information on Katherine and her unique practice of Clinical lifestyle yoga consultations which acknowledges life wisdom (ayruveda) in combination with the buddha's medicine, Thai massage!

Event in

New York

The Gift of Giving - Energy Medicine for Warming up Connections


Hello beautiful soul. To sign up, RSVP below.

Hello beautiful soul. To sign up, RSVP below.

About Event

The Gift of Giving - Energy Medicine for Warming up Connections

Join us for a hands-on workshop exploring the power of kundalini healing to deepen connections and spread love and warmth in our community

The Art of Giving - Energy Medicine for Warming up Connections

Come join us for a transformative event where we delve into the world of kundalini based energy medicine and its power to enhance connections with others.

This is the gift of giving that keeps on giving! You will recieve Level 1 Kundalini Reiki attunement from certified Kundalini Reiki Grand Master Katherine Russ, who has been practicing this healing art form for over 15 years.

This in-person gathering will take place at (Private location To be disclosed), a cozy and welcoming venue perfect for exploring the art of giving through energy work. Learn techniques to open up your heart and create deeper, more meaningful relationships. Whether you're new to energy medicine or a seasoned practitioner, this event promises to be a unique and enriching experience. Don't miss out!

Learn how to connect with people at a play party in a gentle, unoffensive, pleasant, and supportive way.

Way too many of us these days are all so easily creeped out and cringing at one another... Don't we deserve to get a break?

Perhaps we all need to get back on track with working out how to give one another a little bit of a break so we can get one.

There's really very little to lose in coming to an event as supportive as this, except for maybe your tough armor... even if maybe for a moment, before returning to the tough, mean, world. Even if you are simply looking for an opportunity to experience some friendly supportive safe touch, this is possibly something for you. Just consider that the attunement you get will be with you forever. You might as well commit all the way to taking all three attunements. Just saying.

If there is something-- anything that can be more delightful than being with someone you love, it is in loving yourself and of course, being at peace within yourself. This is what it is mostly all about helping us all to do. Once we feel satisfied in ourselves, there we are.

Even if you DO NOT want to go, FFS.... TELL THAT CREEPY GUY you know about it. Maybe if anything, he'll come to this invite page, read these words and understand how he just got a gentle reminder that he is too heavy on the thirst to really be appealing. Don't worry. All you need is something that's really chill and supportive and non-threatening to offer. This adds on to the lovely offer of massage by heaps!

WARNING! Be prepared to * BE * THE * SHIFT *

This kind of session will trigger a self transformation that will cause you to blossom for the rest of your life... Do it two more times and get to level 3 with me and that bloom will just be more of an obvious BOOM!

People commented that my energy seemed cleaner after I received my first attunement and It was amazing just to get that level of confirmation!

This is a great opportunity for us to all increase our own overall chill factor. Each human being in New York City who attunes to healing energy increases the New York chill and healing factor, which has a higher chance on helping to change the world.

If you are going to learn anything extra aside from getting an attunement in this event, if you are looking to connect with females, you will want to have some kind of skill or tool in your toolbox that is gentle, subtle, supportive, and filled with care.

After all, we all want to be cared for, to feel safe, to be happy and relaxed.

This is precisely what this practice will do for us. (yay!)

Isn't it time you learn how to care for others so that you may see exactly what the universe has been waiting to give to you in return?