Organized by

Blue Plum Zen Arts

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Event in


Sunday Morning Zen Practice


Hello beautiful soul. To sign up, RSVP below.

Hello beautiful soul. To sign up, RSVP below.

About Event

Sunday Morning Zen Practice

Join for liturgy, zazen, and a Dharma Talk from a Teacher in the Mountains and Rivers Order of Zen Buddhism. Beginning instruction offered.

Every Sunday morning the Blue Plum Zen Arts group gathers for morning liturgy service, zazen, and dharma talk offered by an MRO teacher, streamed from Zen Mountain Monastery. All are welcome every Sunday to participate in as much of the program as your schedule allows. For those new to zen practice, beginning instruction is offered.We always start our mornings with tea and conversation, checking in with each other and bringing our life questions and experiences into light. We sit for two ~25 minute periods of seated meditation (zazen) with walking meditation in between (kinhin). The spaciousness of zazen gives us access to intimate contact with our heart/mind - cultivating clarity, healing, compassion, and growth.