Organized by
Lee C. Bollinger Forum
The Forum, located on the corner of 125th Street and Broadway, is a unique community gathering space that serves as the gateway toColumbia University's developing Manhattanville campus.
Event in
New York
Chair Yoga and Meditation at the Lee C. Bollinger Forum
February 17, 2025
605 W 125th St
605 West 125th Street, New York, NY 10027
About Event
Chair Yoga and Meditation at the Lee C. Bollinger Forum
Join us for this once weekly wellness cirlce to pause, breathe, and center yourself amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life. The Chair Yoga and Meditiation Cirlce is a free, 30-minute facilitated group session designed to support self-care in a community- care model. Each session includes gentle chair yoga stretches to release body tension, deep breathing exercises to ground you in your body, and guided mindfulness meditation to quiet and focus the busy mind. This short, dedicated time together will help you relax, center and reset.
All are welcome to join this restorative space.